Nearly Lost You
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.00
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:45 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Sweet Oblivion
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File Size
74 KB
Did you hear the dis-tant cry?
Cal-ling me back to my sins
Like the one you knew be-fore
Cal-ling me back once again
This is one of the earliest songs I tabbed out myself on
Guitar Pro. I was originally going to submit it about 2
years ago, (hence all the tacky notation.) The vocal
tabbing isn't as perfect as I'd like but it'll do.
I stole the solo from a midi I found on the internet,
because I really couldn't figure out how to play/tab it
The drums are utter shit compared to my standards
today, so I am quite embarrassed of this tab. You get
the general idea however, so I hope it's okay.
Finally the bass is mostly correct, but I threw in a bit of
a jammy in the verse to make it more interesting!